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The United Kingdom 教案及教学设计

时间:2015-11-25 来源:未知 作者:实习编辑 点击:

核心提示:《The United Kingdom》为人教版高中三年级英语必修五第二单元,以下是小编整理的The United Kingdom 教案及教学设计,里面有详细的教学步骤,同学们跟着教学设计去学习这篇课文一定可以学好《The United Kingdom》这一课。 The United Kingdom 教案及教学设

  《The United Kingdom》为人教版高中三年级英语必修五第二单元,以下是小编整理的The United Kingdom 教案及教学设计,里面有详细的教学步骤,同学们跟着教学设计去学习这篇课文一定可以学好《The United Kingdom》这一课。
The United Kingdom 教案及教学设计下载

  一、热身(Warming up)
  Activity 1pictures and video(视频)appreciation and talking
  I will show a video of the UK about 3minutes, ask the students have a short discussion about the video and ask some of them to share their knowledge with us. And then, finish the quiz in warming-up.
  : Quiz
  1.How many countries does the UK consist of
  2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport
  3. Who rules the country: the Prime Minister or the queen
  4. What are the provinces called in England
  5. Which is the longest river in England
  Activity 2:Brainstorming
  教师设问:When talking about the UK, what do you think of  学生进行头脑风暴并脱口而出如:Oxford University, Cambridge University, fish and chips, Beckham, Queen ElizabethⅡ, Big Ben, The Buckingham Palace, London Tower Bridge等答案。教师立刻展示学生提到的以上人或物的图片。
  Activity 1:Prediction
  在学生掌握了英国的全称、了解了英国的组成后,教师引导学生注意文章插图、标题、首尾段及段落首尾句并设问:What is the passage about学生预测:The history of UK./The geography of UK./The development of UK.
  Activity1: Skimming
  Para2 this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.
  Para3 but they still have very different institutions
  Para4 it is divided roughly into three zones.
  Para5 The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collections ,theatres, parks and buildings.
  Activity 2:Scanning
  The United Kingdom 教案及教学设计
  Part2: 就英格兰区域划分及各自特点填空
  Most population settled in ____________.
  Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________.
  Many cities have famous ____________.
  Part3: 英国的四批入侵者是谁?他们各给英国留下了什么?
  Activity 3: Careful reading
  Task 1: Questions
  1. Which group of invaders did not influence London
  2. Can you work out why London is the capital of England, Great Britain and the UK
  3. Look at the language of the writing style of this passage. Is it formal or informal Is it an opinion or a fact
  Task 2: Question Designing
  教师设问:When was the oldest castle in London built带着问题学生能很快在第五段找到答案。教师提出新的任务: Can you design some questions about para5 just as I did just now See who will be the question designer winner.学生可以随意请一位同学回答他的问题。任务完成后,选出问题设计优胜者。
  Activity 1:Summary
  总结本堂课内容和自我评价。任务有:问题:What have you learnt from the passage?试画英国地图;短文概要填空填空。
  Activity 2:Role Play
  Activity 3:Writing after class
  Write a short passage titled “Journey to the UK”

标签: 高三英语


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