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A healthy life mp3课文听力下载

时间:2015-11-28 来源:未知 作者:实习编辑 点击:

核心提示:之前小编分享了关于《A healthy life》复习课件、教案教学设计、知识点等等文章有兴趣的可以在本站搜索查看,以下是A healthy life课文阅读、A healthy life听力单词、A healthy life教学视频等等学习资料,有需要的可以阅读全文,本文由大瀚教育整理发布。

  之前小编分享了关于《A healthy life》复习课件、教案教学设计、知识点等等文章有兴趣的可以在本站搜索查看,以下是A healthy life课文阅读、A healthy life听力单词、A healthy life教学视频等等学习资料,有需要的可以阅读全文,本文由大瀚教育整理发布。
  A healthy life课文阅读
  It's a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. I have just returned from a long bike ride to an old castle. It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. It's my birthday in two weeks time and I'll be 82 years old! I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.
  This brings me to the real reason for my letter, my dear grandson. Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give up. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.(点击阅读A healthy life课文原文及中文翻译
  A healthy life听力单词
  cigarette n. 香烟;纸烟
  alcohol n. 酒;酒精
  alcoholic adj. 酒精的
  abuse n. & vt. 滥用;虐待
  △ fitness n. 健康
  △ sexual adj. 性的;性别的
  stress n. 压力;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张
  △ stressful adj. 产生压力的;紧张的
  △ obesity n. (过度)肥胖;肥胖症
  adolescent n. 青少年 adj. 青春期的
  adolescence n. 青春期
  ban vt. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令;谴责
  due adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的
  due to 由于……
  tough adj. 困难的;强硬的
  addicted adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的 (be)
  addicted to 对……有瘾
  △ nicotine n. 尼古丁
  accustom vt. 使习惯于
  A healthy life教学视频
标签: 高三英语


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