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What color is it?测试题及答案

时间:2015-11-19 来源:未知 作者:liudongnv 点击:

核心提示:人教版七年级英语上册what color is it的测试题及答案,小编为大家整理出来了,供参考。 What color is it?测试题: 一、将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母) (10分) Aa _______________________________________________________ E

  人教版七年级英语上册what color is it的测试题及答案,小编为大家整理出来了,供参考。

  What color is it?测试题:

  一、将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母) (10分)

  Aa _______________________________________________________

  Ee ________________________________________________________


  Uu _______________________________________________________

  Ff _______________________________________________________


  ( )1.A.a f B.b p C.d j D.i r

  ( )2.A.b i B.d r C.g p D.j p

  ( )3.A.h l B.e u C.h m D.n x

  ( )4.A.m w B.s r C.c f D.z l

  ( )5.A.h z B.s v C.v h D.f s


  ( )1.It’s ___________ black.It’s ________ black ruler.

  A. /; / B.a;/ C./;a D.a;a

  ( )2. ---________ is that quilt? —It’s black.

  A. Which color B.How color C.What color D.What’s color

  ( )3.一Who is that girl? 一The ______ in the blue jacket?

  一Yes. -- It’s Zhang Lei.

  A.one B.an C.a D./

  ( )4.What’s that _____ English?

  A.at B.to C.in D.on

  ( )5.一What color is her jacket? 一It’s _______.

  A.an orange B.orange C.the orange D.a orange

  ( )6. 在市场上购买衣服时,你看到的表示“中”号的字母代表是 _____

  A. S B. L C. M D. XL

  ( ) 7. 找出都是三笔完成的一组字母是:


  ( )8. 在手写体中,占上中下三格的字母是:

  A. i B. f C. y

  ( )9. 当你问某物的颜色时,应该说:

  A. What color is it? B. What’s color is it? C. What color it is?

  ( )10. — _______ “Frank”, please. — F-R-A-N-K.

  A. Spell B. Say C. Know

  四、阅读短文,判断正误:正确的写“T”错误的写“F” (10分)

  Jane White is an American girl.She is a student.She is fifteen.Her father is Mr.White.Her mother is Mrs.White.Bob is her brother.He is a student.t∞.He is in a black jacket.Jane is in a red jacket.She is a nice girl.

  ( )1.Jane White is English.

  ( )2.She is a student.

  ( )3.Mr. White is her mother.

  ( )4.Jane is fourteen.

  ( )5.Jane is Mrs. White’s daughter.

  ( )6.Bob is Jane’s brother.

  ( )7. Jane is Bob’s brother.

  ( )8. Bob is a teacher.

  ( )9. Jane is in red and Bob is in black.

  ( )10. Jane is a nice girl.


  1.你的钢笔是什么颜色? _________ __________ is your pen ?

  2.这个用英语怎么讲?What’s this _________ ___________ ?

  3.它是黑白色的。 It’s _________ and ___________ .

  4.请拼写它。 ___________ ___________ , please.

  5.这件夹克是黄色的。 This ____________ is __________ .

  6.in English ­­_____________ 7.a map ____________ 8.Thank you! ____________

  9.an orange ______________ 10. The key is yellow _______________________

  11.我很好,谢谢! _____________________

  12.晚上好! _______________________________


  1.How ________ you? (am, is ,are)

  2.What ________ this in English? (am, is ,are)

  3.What color is the pen? It ________ red. (am, is ,are)

  4.What’s this? It’s ________ orange. (a, an )

  5. What’s this? It’s ________jacket. (a, an )

  6. It’s ________ apple. (a, an )

  7. ________( A, An, The ) pen is red.

  8. This is a map. (对划线部分提问) ________ is this? ( what, how )


  What’s, Thank, How, Good this

  Mr. Wang: Good afternoon, class.

  Class: __1____ afternoon, Mr. Wang.

  Mr. Wang: Sit down , please. My name is Wang Lin. __2___ your name?

  Jim Green: My name is Jim Green.

  Mr. Wang: _3_ are you ?

  Jim Green: I'm fine. _4__ _ you.

  Mr. Wang: What’s __5___ in English?

  Jim Green: It’s an apple.

  1 ________ 2________ 3_______ 4________ 5.­­________


  1. afternoon, Good, Helen.___________________________________________.

  2. are, How, you, Bob__________________________________________?

  3. in, this, What’s, English___________________________________________?

  4. What, is , color, it___________________________________________?

  5. am, thanks, I , fine __________________________________________.


  What color is it?参考答案:


  二、1-5 BCDDD

  三、1. black 2. color 3. girl 4. Mrs 5. mother /mom /mum

  四、1-5 CCACB

  五、1-8 GDBCHAEF

  六、1. D red 2. D 去掉 3. C China 4. C pen 5. A What

  七、1-5 FTFFT 6-10 TFFTT

标签: 初一英语



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