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When is your birthday?mp3课文听力下载

时间:2015-12-09 来源:未知 作者:liudongnv 点击:

核心提示:初一英语上册课文When is your birthday?在上一篇小编介绍了When is your birthday?的ppt课件,今天小编要和大家分享When is your birthday?原文听力材料和教学视频以及语法的解析,供大家学习参考。 When is your birthday?mp3原文听力材料: Bill:Hi,Ala

  初一英语上册课文When is your birthday?在上一篇小编介绍了When is your birthday?的ppt课件,今天小编要和大家分享When is your birthday?原文听力材料和教学视频以及语法的解析,供大家学习参考。

  When is your birthday?mp3原文听力材料:

  Bill:Hi,Alan.[1]Happy birthday!

  Alan:Thank you,Bill.

  Bill:[2]So,how old are you,Alan?

  Alan:[3]I'm twelve.How old are you?

  Bill:I'm thirteen.

  Alan:When is your birthday?

  Bill:My birthday is in August.

  Alan:Well,do you want to come to my birthday party?

  Bill:Oh,yes.When is it?

  Alan:At three this afternoon.

  Bill:OK,great.[4]See you!

  Section B

  [1]Dear students,

  [2]We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.[3]On September 21st,we have a school trip i n the afternoon.

  October is a great month.On the 12th and the 15th,we have two ball games,soccer and volleyball.School Day is on October 22nd.Your parents can come to our school.Next month,we have an art festival.It's on November 3rd.We have an English party on November 30th.And on December 3rd,we have a book sale in th e school library.

  [4]This is a really busy term![5]Have a good time!

  When is your birthday?语法的解析


  1) How much is + 单数商品? How much are + 复数商品?

  It’s + 钱 They’re + 钱



  2) What’s the price of + 商品?

  It’s + 钱



  When is your birthday?教学视频

标签: 初一英语



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