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时间:2016-08-12 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

核心提示:中文版: 自从中国文明于几千年前诞生之日起,许多中国的诗、画都歌颂了中国的大地、天空和河流之美。没有哪个地方能像桂林一样更能让人想起贵国是一个美丽的国度。数百万的美国人对于漓江边婀娜多姿的山峦记忆犹新。当看到桂林的优美风景时,我们想到了中国




Remarks by President Clinton on Environment Protection in Guilin

Since Chinese civilization first began to express itself thousands of years ago, its poems and paintings have sung of the beauty of land, the air, the water. No place in China is more evocative of the beauty of your country than Guilin. The stunning mountains along the Li River are instantly familiar to millions and millions of Americans. When we see them, the landscapes of Guilin remind us of China’s past, but we know they are alive, and we are grateful for their preservation.
A new sense of cooperation is building between the people of China and the people of the Untied States, based on our shared ties of commerce and culture, our common security interests, and our common enthusiasm for the future. But a big part of that cooperation must rest on our common understanding that we live on the same planet, sharing the same oceans, and breathing the same air.
Not so many years ago in the United States, one of our rivers was so polluted it actually caught fire. Foul air blanketed our cities, acid rain blighted our landscape. Over the last generation, we have worked hard to restore our natural treasures and to find a way to conduct our economy that is more in harmony with the environment.
China’s extraordinary growth has put the same kind of pressures on your environment, and the costs of growth are rising right along with your prosperity. You know better than I that polluted air and water are threatening your remarkable progress. Smog has caused entire Chinese cities to disappear from satellite photographs. And respiratory illness is China’s number one health problem.
We also know that more and more environmental problems in the United States, in China, and elsewhere are not just national problems, they are global problems. We must work together to protect the environment and there is a great deal that we can do together.


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