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时间:2016-07-27 来源:未知 作者:实习编辑 点击:

核心提示:为了帮助大家在考试前,巩固知识点,对所学的知识更好的掌握,小编为大家编辑了初二英语下册期末知识点归纳,希望对大家有用。 重点句子 1.Whats the matter ? Whats the mater with you ? 你怎么啦? =Whats the trouble with you?=Whats wrong with you? I

  1.What’s the matter ? What’s the mater with you ? 你怎么啦?
  =What’s the trouble with you?=What’s wrong with you?
  I have a cold / have a sore back / have a stomachache
  2.That’s too bad. You should / shouldn’t …     那太糟糕了. 你应该/不该…
  You should  lie down and rest / drink hot tea with honey / see a dentist / see a doctor .
  He shouldn’t eat anything = He should eat nothing. 他不应当吃任何东西.
  3.I’m not felling well . 这里well表示身体状况,不能用good代替
  I don’t feel well= I’m not feeling well 我感觉不舒服.
  4.When did it start ? About two days ago . 什么时候开始的?大约两天前
  5.I hope you fell better soon . 我希望你很快好起来
  6.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. 传统中医认为我们需要阴阳调和以保持身体健康。
  这里 to be healthy是动词不定式短语,作目的状语
  7.You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. 你应该吃一些像牛肉之类的阳性食物。
  8.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.
  9.People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.
  太紧张易怒的人或许吃了太多的阳性食物。too much后跟不可数名词,而too many后跟可数名词复数
  10.It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle ,and it’s important to eat a balanced diet . 有一个健康的生活方式很容易,饮食平衡是很重要的。
  → It’s easy to do sth . 做某事容易 / It’s important to do sth . 做某事重要
  11.You should rest for a few nights. 你应该休息几个晚上
  12.I study late every night, sometimes until 2 am, but I don’t think I’m improving.
  13believe in 信任某人,强调品质,believe sb.相信某人的话
  I believe him, but I can’t believe in him.
  14 .I have a toothache . I need to see a dentist .
  → need意思为 “需要” ,作实义动词时,后跟动词不定式,否定式为don’t /doesn’t / didn’t need (to do sth.) ;作情态动词时,只能用于否定句或疑问句中,否定式为needn’t(do sth.) ,除有过去式外,没有其它的形态变化。



一、重点词汇 1 、 make make + 宾语 + 动词原形 He made us stay with him. make + 宾语 + 形容词 He tried to make his mother happy make + 宾语 + 名词 - He made me his friend. make + 宾语 + 介词短语 He asked us to make ourselves at home. make +……

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