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Have you ever been to an amusement park?教案及教学设计

时间:2015-12-12 来源:未知 作者:liudongnv 点击:

核心提示:小编整理了关于初二英语课文《Have you ever been to an amusement park?》教案及教学设计,以供教师们教学做参考,希望对于教师的教学有所帮助。 《Have you ever been to an amusement park?》教案及教学设计: Teaching Goals: 1. Improve the ss reading

小编整理了关于初二英语课文《Have you ever been to an amusement park?》教案及教学设计,以供教师们教学做参考,希望对于教师的教学有所帮助。

《Have you ever been to an amusement park?》教案及教学设计:

Teaching Goals:

1. Improve the ss” reading ability by 3a.

2. Train the ss’ writing ability by 3a and 3c.

Teaching Keys and Difficulties :

1. Understand 3a.

2. Master the Present Perfect Tence .

3. How to improve ss’ writing.

Teaching Methods:

1. Lean by themselves .( First)

2. Discuss in groups to finish the tasks.(Next)

3. Teacher explains or instructs keys and difficulties. ( Finally)

Teaching Aids:

1. A recorder .

2. A small blackboard .

Teaching Procedures.


Step I. Greeting and Lead-in.

T: Nice to meet you!

S: ……

T: What do you want to be ?

S1: …….S2: ……..S3……

T: How long have you learned English?


T: Can you speak English well ?


T: If you want to find a good job when you grow up . I think it’s very important for you to speak English well . Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life. Here’s what two of their students said about their school .

Step II. 目标导航

First : show the aims .

Then : Theacher reads the aims in class. Let the students understant and grasp the aims .


1. Master words and phrases .

2. Understand 3a well .

Step III.自主探究

First : Show outline .

Then : Students read and understand what they learn by themselves.


1. Words . ( Believe myselves )

Read---Read each other---Read after the recorder---Write something about the new words—Remember

(For example: attendant----waiter tour v. 游览 游历)

2. Article (3a) (I can do well )

(1). Read—— Answer the questions(1~8) in 3a

(2). Follow the recorder to read and check the pronunciation.

(3). Read again and find out something important in 3a .

Step IV. 合作交流

Teacher : Learn each other you can learn better . Now work in groups.

( In groups, the captains of the groups lead own members to discuss the following .The teacher joins one or two groups. If they have the same problem, teacher tells in class .)

1. Communicate the answers to the questions (1~8) in 3a in groups.

2. Discuss the difficulties that they can’t understand sentences , phrases or words in groups .

For example : I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now .

3. Show the points in groups.

标签: 初二英语



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