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What were you doing when the UFO arrived?mp3课文听力下载

时间:2015-12-14 来源:未知 作者:liudongnv 点击:

核心提示:初二英语What were you doing when the UFO arrived?课文在听的过程中要注意句子表达出的,时间,地点,人物,时间等要素。小编给大家整理了听力材料,供大家参考。 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?mp3听力原文: Section A,1b Reporter:So,what

  初二英语What were you doing when the UFO arrived?课文在听的过程中要注意句子表达出的,时间,地点,人物,时间等要素。小编给大家整理了听力材料,供大家参考。

  What were you doing when the UFO arrived?mp3听力原文:

  Section A,1b

  Reporter:So,what were you doing when the UFO arrived?

  Girl1:Well,I was standing in front of the library.

  Boy1:I was sleeping late.

  Woman1:I was cooking dinner.

  Reporter:How about you?

  Man1:I was getting out f the shower.

  Man2:And I was cutting hair.


  Reporter:So,can you tell me what you saw here today?

  Boy:Well,I was walking down Center Street when a UFO landed.

  Reporter:Where did it land?

  Boy:Right here.

  Reporter:So what happened next?

  Girl:An alien got out of the UFO.

  Reporter:What were you doing?

  Girl:When the alien got out of the UFO?I was shopping.

  Reporter:Then what happened?

  Boy:Well! Then the alien went into a store----do you see the store overthere---and bought a souvenir.

  Girl:Then it visited the Museum of Flight on GreenStreet.

  Reporter:So, what did you do?

  Girl:While it was buying a souvernir,I called the poice.

  Boy:And while it was visiting the museum,I called the TV station.

  Section B 2a,2b

  John:What a day I had!

  Girl:Tell me about it,John.

  John:Well,while I was walking to school I saw a cat in a tree.It was really scared.

  Girl:What did you do ?

  John:I climbed the tree.

  Girl:And you got the cat?

  John:Nope.While I was climbing the tree,a man saw me.It was his tree and he shouted at me.So I stopped dlimbing.

  Girl:What about the cat?

  John:It wanted to jump down.But it was too scared.

  Girl:Then wat happened?

  John:Then the man called the police.And while he was calling the police,a woman called the newspaper.

  Girl:What did you do?

  John:I jumped down from the tree.And then the cat jumped down too.

  Girl:That’s good.

  John:And then the police officer and the newspaaper reporer arrived.The police officer said,“Good boy7!”And the newspaper reporter took a photo to put in the newspaper.

  Girl:That’s great!

  John:Yes,but while he was taking the photo,the cat went up the tree again.

  Girl:What did you do?

  John:What do you think?

标签: 初二英语



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