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A taste of English humour教案及教学设计

时间:2015-11-24 来源:未知 作者:实习编辑 点击:

核心提示:同学们学习英语的时候一定要注意弄懂其中的意思,不可以凭自己的猜测来判断。小编将A taste of English humour教案及教学设计分享给大家,其中包括了很多重点难点同学们在上课的时候带着这些疑问去听课,相信对大家有所帮助。 Step I: Lead-in and Warming u

  同学们学习英语的时候一定要注意弄懂其中的意思,不可以凭自己的猜测来判断。小编将A taste of English humour教案及教学设计分享给大家,其中包括了很多重点难点同学们在上课的时候带着这些疑问去听课,相信对大家有所帮助。

  Step I: Lead-in and Warming up (5 mins)
  Firstly, the students will be asked to read the two jokes on Page 17. 问学生课文17页的笑话。Then, the teacher will guide the students to get farmiliar with different types of English humor by the chart.然后引导学生进一步了解英式幽默。
  Next, the students are encouraged to think about the other types of humor and the types of Chinese humor. (sketch, cross talk, funny stories and so on)鼓励学生说出自己指导的一些有趣的中文和英文幽默故事来比较两者的区别。
  (图为A taste of English humour电子书部分预览)
  Step II: Pre-reading (5 mins)
  The teacher will show the students some pictures of Charlie Chaplin. And then let the students to say anything they know about him. 我会给学生展示卓别林的相关图片,然后让学生说出他们对卓别林的了解。Let the students see the title of the reading material and ask them to guess what the text is about. 让学生根据课文的题目先预测课文的内容。
  Step III: Fast reading (5 mins)
  Ask the students to read the text quickly in three minutes and then finish Exercise 1 on Page 19. 让学生进行三分中快速阅读和完成课文19页的题目。
  Step IV: Explanation (10 mins)
  The teacher will explain the important language points in the text. 解释课文中出现的重点词汇和知识点。Then the students will be asked to work in groups to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. (Exercise 2 on Page 19)让学生分组进行总结归纳文章的段落内容。
  Step V: Listening and Discussion (10 mins)
  Listen to the tape of the text and then in group, ask the students to have a discussion about Charlie Chaplin。让学生听一遍全文,展开有关卓别林的讨论。
  1.Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? 你认为艰苦的童年是否对卓别林的成功有帮助?为什么这么认为?
  2.Why do you think he was so successful? 你认为卓别林成功的原因是什么?
  3.What can we learn from him? 从卓别林身上可以学到什么?
  Step VI: Interview and Homework   ( Group activity) (10 mins)
  The students are divided into groups of 4 . Then in each group students will take their turns to be Charlie and the other 3 act as reporters to interview him/her using the information from the reading.
  (简评:这两个环节是为了知识转化/过渡, 即让学生切实体会到nonverbal humour is really universal, 又给了学生练习口语的机会,同时也体现了本课时的情感目的。Find more information about Chaplin through The Internet or from books and you are expected to present it to your classmates in the next class.
  (简评: 这是这节课的综合落实环节)

  A taste of English humour板书设计
  A taste of English humour
标签: 高二英语


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