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时间:2016-08-29 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

核心提示:Nü Wa Mends the Sky 女娲补天 In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open. The sky could not cover all the things under it, nor could the earth carry all the things on it. A great

Nü Wa Mends the Sky

In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open. The sky could not cover all the things under it, nor could the earth carry all the things on it. A great fire raged and would not die out; a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked. Savage beasts devoured innocent people; vicious birds preyed on the weak and old. 

往古之时,四极废,九州裂,天不兼覆,地不周载;火爁(làn 焚烧)焱(yàn,火花,火焰)而不灭,水浩洋而不息。猛兽食颛(zhuān善良:颛民:善良的百姓,)民,鸷(zhì,凶猛)鸟攫(jué,抓取:攫取(掠夺)。攫夺)老弱。

Then Nü Wa melted rocks of five colours and used them to mend the cracks in the sky. She supported the four corners of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a giant turtle. She killed the black dragon to save the people of Jizhou, and blocked the flood with the ashes of reeds.

Thus the sky was mended, its four corners lifted, the flood tamed, Jizhou pacified, and harmful birds and beasts killed, and the innocent people were able to live on the square earth under the dome of the sky. It was a time when birds, beasts, insects and snakes no longer used their claws or teeth or poisonous stings, for they did not want to catch or eat weaker things.
苍天补,四极正;淫水涸,冀州平;狡虫死,颛民生;背方州,抱圆天。当此之时,禽兽虫蛇,无不匿其爪牙,藏其蛰毒,无有攫噬之心。Nü Wa's deeds benefited the heavens above and the earth below. Her name was remembered by later generations and her light shone on every creation.

考其功烈,上际九天,下契(qiè 古同“锲”,用刀子刻。)黄垆(lú,黑色坚硬的土),名声被后世,光晖熏万物。

Long long time ago, in the north of the country, there is a magnificent towering chengdu contained tianshan mountains there lived a giant called kuafu family clan. kuafu tribe leader called braggadocio, he was extremely tall, litaiwuqiong, strong-willed, the extraordinary spirit. at that time, the world's desolation behind, poisonous snakes wild beasts run amok, and people's lives miserable. kuafu the purpose of this tribe of people can live births every day and led the crowd fighting with the scourge. braggadocio often caught in ferocious yellow snake hanging in his ears as a decoration, be proud of.


one year, days of drought. like fire and the sun scorched the ground crops, dried up river water. one hot uncomfortable, i can not live. kuafu to see this scenario, we set ambitious vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to the people's instructions, and better service for everyone。


one day, the sun had just risen from the sea, kuafu take significant steps from the edge of the east china sea began his daily journey。


sun in the sky flew forward, braggadocio on the ground as high winds to recover. kuafu kept chasing , hungry, picking a wild fruit boxes; thirsty, and holding a river mouth thirst-quenching; tired, and was only a nap. his heart has been encouraging ourselves: "soon, we must catch up with the sun, and people's lives will be happy." he catch for nine days and nine nights, from the sun, closer to us, glowing red, burning hot sun on his own head。


kuafu has crossed the one seat mountain, crossed a river section, and finally we must catch up with the sun-yu gu. at this time, kuafu mind extremely excited. he may reach out to catch the sun, because of over-excitement, physical and psychological haggard, suddenly, kuafu felt dizziness, actually passed out. when he awoke, the sun has long gone。


Long long time ago, there lived a little princess named Niu Wa (女娃) who was the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, the legendary ruler in ancient Chinese mythology。


  The littel princess loved watching the sunrise, admiring the spectacle of nature. She once asked her father where the sun rises. Her father said it was in the Eastern Sea and promised to take her there to see sunrise on a boat, but he had been too busy to do that。


  One day, the little princess got a boat behind her father's back, sailing to the Eastern Sea. When she was away from the shore, unfortunately, a strong wind rose and overthrew her boat. She was buried by the surging waves, being drowned quickly。


  After her death, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird with white beak and red claws. Since it often stood on a branch, mourning herself sadly in the sound "jing wei, jing wei", people called it "Jing Wei"。


  Jing Wei hated the sea very much for taking her life. In order to revenge and keep other kids from being drown, the small bird decided to fill up the roaring sea。


  From then on, Jing Wei flew to and fro between the mountain and the Eastern sea, carrying a twig or a pebble and dropping it into the sea. Day after day, it never stopped。


  Puzzled by its behaviors, the sea said to Jing Wei with irony, "Stop doing that, poor little bird, it is totally meaningless! You'll never fill me up."


  To it, Jing Wei replied firmly, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"


  The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest。





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