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时间:2016-08-29 来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

核心提示:四年级英语《Shapes 》教学设计 五一路小学 王志梅 教学重点: 词汇tall,short,fat,thin,he,friend,is,my,she,this; 句型This is…(name)He’s/She’s…(adj.) 教学难点: 用how many 句型对事物的数量进行提问。 教学流程: Step1: Watch and enjoy Enjoy a


五一路小学 王志梅




句型This is…(name)He’s/She’s…(adj.)


用how many 句型对事物的数量进行提问。


Step1: Watch and enjoy

Enjoy a song “twinkle, twinkle , little star”

Talk about the song

   T: What can you see?   S1: I can see some stars.

   T: What shape is it?   S2: It’s a star.

   T: Star is also a kind of shapes. There are many shapes in our life. Today we can talk about shapes.

Step2: Listen and watch

Ss: listen to the text and understand generally. 

Ss: find out the new words in the text.

Step 3: Group work for the new words

1.Show the Studying Outline (自学提纲) for words

2.Students discuss the words by the methods of

音,形, 义,用

Key words: star, circle, square, triangle, rectangle

Groups report the words.

Let’s chant.

  Star, star, it’s a star.

  Circle, circle, it’s a circle.

  Square, square, it’s a square.

  Triangle, triangle, it’s a triangle.

  Rectangle, rectangle, it’s a rectangle.

Step 4. Group work for the key patterns

1.Show the Studying Outline (自学提纲) for sentences

2.Students discuss the sentences by the methods

Key patterns: 

—How many squares/stars are there?

—There are two squares./ there is one star.

(1)What’s the Chinese ?   (中文意思)

(2)What’s the structure?  (句子结构)

(3)What can I find?            (我的发现)

(4)Try to read.                    (品读达意)

2.Groups report the sentences.

3.Read the text after the tape.

4.Work in pairs.

  T: Look at the house. Then ask and answer :

A: How many triangles are there?

B: There is one triangle.


Step 5:Practice and expand(拓展运用,情境升华)

1.Take out the project and put it on the wall.

2.Describe the project.


I can make a _________.

Look at the _________. There are __________. There is _________. It’s beautiful. I like it.

4.Shapes make our classroom more beautiful. Shapes make our life more colorful.


在Shapes这堂课中,教师以学生熟悉的儿歌twinkle, twinkle, little star导入引出课题,开始今天的学习,整堂课运用倒写“工”字型教学模式,结合小组研究性学习,学会询问事物的数量并做回答。

本节课教学过程流畅,教学环节清晰,很好地体现了小组研究性学习学生学习的主体性,每位学生都有发言,每位学生都有任务,小组合作完成拼图作品,小组汇报学生很有成就感。在研究新词star时,引入五一校园之星Wuyi Star, 很好地结合了五一元素。今后教学中注意教学理念“精准,严密,高效”的渗透,学生常规学习方法和习惯的培养。


  如果您有新的建议和好的做法,请直接回复告诉我们,或发送邮件至: zzd516@126.com。在此,我们致以最衷心的感谢!




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